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Xerocampos in Crete
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Xerocampos in Crete
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In the picture: Griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus)
Common name: Griffon vulture
Family: Accipitridae
Order: Falconiformes
Class: Birds (Aves)
Wingspan: 160 to 180 cm
This exemplary of bearded vulture, very rare and difficult to see in coastal areas like Xerocampos, was a welcomed guest for a few days in mid-September, on the verandas of the Aktì Studios.
His presence here was probably linked to some difficulties the animal had in flight so that he was not able to reach the highest peaks of the mountains of Crete, his natural habitat.
But he had the good fortune of being "adopted" by tourists and the owners of the property, who "fed" him steaks!
He was then taken by the Forest Guard and led to Heraklion for treatment and rehabilitation.
We thank Jerry and Jill Bond for sending us this photograph taken during their vacation at Xerocampos

About us
Tourism website "" by Andrea Maria Marini
Registered office : Xerokampos - 72059 - Chandras - Sitia
Tax Code (A.Fi.Mi) : 110398749
N° Reg. Chamber of Commerce of Lassithi (G.E.MH.) : 024531541000
N° Reg. Tourist Greek Organisation (E.O.T.) : n°1040E60000124501

Contact us
Telephone : +30 28430 28502
Mobile    : +30 697 9731 603
Skype     : xerocamboscreta


Copyright A.M.Marini © 2023 - All rights reserved.

Copyright A.M.Marini © 2023
All rights reserved.

About us
Tourism website "" by Andrea Maria Marini
Registered office : Xerokampos - 72059 - Chandras - Sitia
Tax Code (A.Fi.Mi) : 110398749
N° Reg. Chamber of Commerce of Lassithi (G.E.MH.) : 024531541000
N° Reg. Tourist Greek Organisation (E.O.T.) : n°1040E60000124501

Contact us
Telephone : +30 28430 28502
Mobile    : +30 697 9731 603
Skype     : xerocamboscreta


About us
Tourism website "" by Andrea Maria Marini
Registered office : Xerokampos - 72059 - Chandras - Sitia
Tax Code (A.Fi.Mi) : 110398749
N° Reg. Chamber of Commerce of Lassithi (G.E.MH.) : 024531541000
N° Reg. Tourist Greek Organisation (E.O.T.) : n°1040E60000124501

Contact us
Telephone : +30 28430 28502
Mobile    : +30 697 9731 603
E-mail    :
Skype     : xerocamboscreta


About us
Tourism website "" by Andrea Maria Marini
Registered office : Xerokampos - 72059 - Chandras - Sitia
Tax Code (A.Fi.Mi) : 110398749
N° Reg. Chamber of Commerce of Lassithi (G.E.MH.) : 024531541000
N° Reg. Tourist Greek Organisation (E.O.T.) : n°1040E60000124501

Contact us
Telephone : +30 28430 28502
Mobile    : +30 697 9731 603
E-mail    :
Skype     : xerocamboscreta


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License E.O.T.
License E.O.T.
License E.O.T.
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