Wind summary graphs - XerocambosCreta (en)

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Xerocampos in Crete
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Xerocampos in Crete
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Wind summary graphs in Xerocampos
    Meteorological data collected daily in Xerocampos at 20 mt. above sea level at DMS coordinates 35°2'35.665"N 26°13'41.456"E
    (from Davis Vantage Pro 2 Weather Station)
    Wind - 2024
    Wind - 2023
    Wind - 2022
    Wind - 2021
    Wind - 2020
    Wind - 2019
    Wind - 2018
    Wind - 2017
    Wind - 2016
    Wind - 2015
    Wind - 2014
    Wind - 2013
    Wind - 2012
    Wind - 2011
    Wind - 2010
    Wind - 2009
    Wind - 2008
    Wind - 2007
    Wind - 2006
    Wind - 2005
    Wind - 2004
    Real time from Xerocampos
    Meteo Xero
    Rent in Xerocampos in summer
    Car Hire in the island of Crete

    About us
    Tourism website "" by Andrea Maria Marini
    Registered office : Xerokampos - 72059 - Chandras - Sitia
    Tax Code (A.Fi.Mi) : 110398749
    N° Reg. Chamber of Commerce of Lassithi (G.E.MH.) : 024531541000
    N° Reg. Tourist Greek Organisation (E.O.T.) : n°1040E60000124501

    Contact us
    Telephone : +30 28430 28502
    Mobile    : +30 697 9731 603
    Skype     : xerocamboscreta


    Copyright A.M.Marini © 2023 - All rights reserved.

    Copyright A.M.Marini © 2023
    All rights reserved.

    About us
    Tourism website "" by Andrea Maria Marini
    Registered office : Xerokampos - 72059 - Chandras - Sitia
    Tax Code (A.Fi.Mi) : 110398749
    N° Reg. Chamber of Commerce of Lassithi (G.E.MH.) : 024531541000
    N° Reg. Tourist Greek Organisation (E.O.T.) : n°1040E60000124501

    Contact us
    Telephone : +30 28430 28502
    Mobile    : +30 697 9731 603
    Skype     : xerocamboscreta


    About us
    Tourism website "" by Andrea Maria Marini
    Registered office : Xerokampos - 72059 - Chandras - Sitia
    Tax Code (A.Fi.Mi) : 110398749
    N° Reg. Chamber of Commerce of Lassithi (G.E.MH.) : 024531541000
    N° Reg. Tourist Greek Organisation (E.O.T.) : n°1040E60000124501

    Contact us
    Telephone : +30 28430 28502
    Mobile    : +30 697 9731 603
    E-mail    :
    Skype     : xerocamboscreta


    About us
    Tourism website "" by Andrea Maria Marini
    Registered office : Xerokampos - 72059 - Chandras - Sitia
    Tax Code (A.Fi.Mi) : 110398749
    N° Reg. Chamber of Commerce of Lassithi (G.E.MH.) : 024531541000
    N° Reg. Tourist Greek Organisation (E.O.T.) : n°1040E60000124501

    Contact us
    Telephone : +30 28430 28502
    Mobile    : +30 697 9731 603
    E-mail    :
    Skype     : xerocamboscreta


    License E.O.T.
    License E.O.T.
    License E.O.T.
    License E.O.T.
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