Features and curiosities about the winds of Meltemi and Vorà - XerocambosCreta (en)

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Meltemi and Vorà
    This summer cloud over the church of Agios Nikolaos in Xerocampos is a characteristic that indicates the presence of strong turbulence and intense winds at high altitudes.
    Meltemi in Xerocampos
    Typical of these clouds is to dissolve rather quickly, even if often are rather large, and not to give sequel to rainfall.

    If then the winds that influence them blow from the North/North-West it is likely the arrival of the traditional dry and tense wind, called "Meltemi" in the summer period from June to September and called "Vorà" in the remaining periods of the year.

    The differences between Meltemi and Vorà are not on the sector of origin which is always the same and not even on the intensity, which can always be considerable (with maximum gusts at 125 km/h recorded here in Xerocampos) but on the duration of the perturbation which in the case of Meltemi is generally longer (the elderly inhabitants of the place say that when it blows it does so for periods of at least 3 days).
    Other natural signs of impending weather change (to be taken into consideration if you intend to practise yachting or to camp in these areas) are the annoying presence of flies (which become aggressive probably because they perceive better than us the lowering of atmospheric pressure that precede and accompany the Meltemi) and the colors of the sea which become very clean and well-defined taking all shades of blue and green.
    Real time weather data from Xerocampos
    Meteo Xero
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    Car Hire in the island of Crete

    About us
    Tourism website "Xerocamboscreta.com" by Andrea Maria Marini
    Registered office : Xerokampos - 72059 - Chandras - Sitia
    Tax Code (A.Fi.Mi) : 110398749
    N° Reg. Chamber of Commerce of Lassithi (G.E.MH.) : 024531541000
    N° Reg. Tourist Greek Organisation (E.O.T.) : n°1040E60000124501

    Contact us
    Telephone : +30 28430 28502
    Mobile    : +30 697 9731 603
    Skype     : xerocamboscreta


    Copyright A.M.Marini © 2023 - All rights reserved.

    Copyright A.M.Marini © 2023
    All rights reserved.

    About us
    Tourism website "Xerocamboscreta.com" by Andrea Maria Marini
    Registered office : Xerokampos - 72059 - Chandras - Sitia
    Tax Code (A.Fi.Mi) : 110398749
    N° Reg. Chamber of Commerce of Lassithi (G.E.MH.) : 024531541000
    N° Reg. Tourist Greek Organisation (E.O.T.) : n°1040E60000124501

    Contact us
    Telephone : +30 28430 28502
    Mobile    : +30 697 9731 603
    Skype     : xerocamboscreta


    About us
    Tourism website "Xerocamboscreta.com" by Andrea Maria Marini
    Registered office : Xerokampos - 72059 - Chandras - Sitia
    Tax Code (A.Fi.Mi) : 110398749
    N° Reg. Chamber of Commerce of Lassithi (G.E.MH.) : 024531541000
    N° Reg. Tourist Greek Organisation (E.O.T.) : n°1040E60000124501

    Contact us
    Telephone : +30 28430 28502
    Mobile    : +30 697 9731 603
    E-mail    : andrea18@otenet.gr
    Skype     : xerocamboscreta


    About us
    Tourism website "Xerocamboscreta.com" by Andrea Maria Marini
    Registered office : Xerokampos - 72059 - Chandras - Sitia
    Tax Code (A.Fi.Mi) : 110398749
    N° Reg. Chamber of Commerce of Lassithi (G.E.MH.) : 024531541000
    N° Reg. Tourist Greek Organisation (E.O.T.) : n°1040E60000124501

    Contact us
    Telephone : +30 28430 28502
    Mobile    : +30 697 9731 603
    E-mail    : andrea18@otenet.gr
    Skype     : xerocamboscreta


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