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Weather Falassarna

At the base of the Gramvousa peninsula (Kòrikos),

which delimits the island of Crete to the west,

you will find the long white beaches of Falassarna.


This is an area of great environmental beauty, still not much built nowadays.

Spectacular views of intense colorful sunsets,

crystal clear sea and fine golden sand

are irresistible appeals to tourists

and the primary reason why, since many years, Falassarna has become a very pleasant and popular holiday destination, although quite windy in the summer time.

Kalami Room & Apartments offers 13 double rooms and 9 apartments

The place is a valley along the western shore of about 7 km., rich in olive groves and greenhouses (maybe a little too many of them! and in  some places virtually on  the beautiful beaches ....), crowned and separated from the rest of the island  to the east, by a significant and immediately steep hillside.

From the geological point of view it is important to note that this stretch of coast is subject to a slow and steady upward movement and some researchers quantify the rise in 8,5 meters above sea level from Roman times to the present (source Touring Club Italiano "Guida Oro - Creta" and Wikipedia).

The story here, as in many other parts of Crete, has left interesting traces and indicates that the first settlement of some importance dates back to the sixth century BC and that these places have seen Tolomei, Hellenics and the Roman

invasion of 69-67 BC that completely destroyed the port and its economic importance, because Falassarna was an important basis for piracy in the eastern Mediterranean.

To reach Falassarna, you have to follow the north coastal road of Crete (E75) and after passing Kasteli/Kissamos and the port of Trahilos, continuing inland, for Agios Giorgos, Gramvousa until Platanos, here after the gasoline station EKO and just after the pharmacy, you have to take the road on the right leading to Kavoussi and to the final stretch of beautiful panoramic road.

For a stay in Falassarna and surroundings there are various possibilities and here we report a selection among those that can be booked directly with


Villas Libra Romantica

We report also other quality accommodations in the villages of the area

from Platanos up to Kalidonia

(in brackets you will find the distances from Falassarna)


(2,5 km.)


(5 km.)



(8 km.)


(10,2 km.)


(14 km.)

Roubini Kavousi Falasarna Vilas Youphoria

Balos Beach

Kalivianì Mandy Suites Galini Beach Christina Beach Aphrodite Beach


(21,5 km.)

Neo Choriò

(9 km.)


(17,4 km.)


(10,8 km.)


(19,2 km.)


(20 km.)


(24,4 km.)


Kissamos Villa Mesogios

Viglia Beach




Halaro Villa


Azure Beach Sevi Big

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